Let me say that the greatest theological builders of my life were my parents. Pops lived his theology, and Mom encouraged me to study theology. And they both surrounded me, throughout my early life, with inspired intellectuals, practitioners, doubters, and bold Black doers of all backgrounds.
This strong, diverse mix of living people taught me that God exists in many ways to many people - - at the same time. There is one God, one Savior, one Holy Spirit... however, there are many encounters.
“I am a politically poetic pastor, a slave to no one, but serve one MASTER.
Mary and the other Mary. Two simple women, who when it was all said and done, changed the course of spiritual history forever. These two women were the FIRST to preach the good news that Jesus had risen from the dead. These same two brave, humble women went FIRST to tell the disciples about the miracle. Two women whose love moved them to continue towards Jesus.
The two women who started it all. Their capacity for loving, living devotion is a lesson to me. A lesson to live, work, walk, talk and preach Faith - - - FIRST. Thanks to these two women.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Baptized by. New Member Children's Class taught by. Ordained as the first Son of Thunder by. Pastored by. Parents wed by. Mentored by. Befriended by. Disciplined by. Shown an example of Theological Scholarship by. No one has been more important to the foundation of my Black Liberation Theological Development than the man many call "Rev." Was, Is, and always Will Be one of God’s anointed Preachers.
Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Economics. Dr. Julianne Malveaux is. Noun, Verb. This "she" inspired me to study economics. Dr. Malveaux has successful taken the horrors of sexism and racism and political oppression and intersected their deep roots and blossomed branches with economics. She savagely challenges any one interested in liberation and social justice to fight for one without an economic plan attached. That courage, that genius, that intelligence, that creativity, that scholarship. Dr. Malveaux's books, commentaries, speeches, greatly influence my preaching.
Practical Theology. Systematic Theology. Whatever category you want to put Dr. James Cone in, I believe his response would be, "Get to work." Every book I have read. Many lectures I have seen . The brilliance of his mind, the academic simplicity of his logic, and the steps one develops to do what is written... Dr. Cone is a world changer. There is a "before" and an "after" in my theology when it comes to Dr. Cone. Thank you for sharing your intellect with us.... with me.